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Drug addiction is a hyper-complex phenomenon that is part of the reality of social suffering in our countries. In this book, conceived as a workbook, Dr. Efrem Milanese -recognized as an international expert- offers a description of concepts, processes, practices and instruments which have proven useful and effective in community treatment for drug addiction and the consequences of extreme exclusion. This manual has emerged from work of action-research, developed under the scientific direction of Dr. Milanese and with financial support from the European Union, UNESCO, UNAIDS, and Deutscher Caritasverband, by different organizations in Latin America: Lua Nova (Sorocaba, Brazil), Recicldzaro (Sao Paulo, Brazil), Cáritas Regional Sao Paulo (Brazil), Cáritas Nacional Colombia, Fundación Procrear (Bogota, Colombia), Foyer Cáritas Saint Antoine (Port au Prince, Haiti), Hogar Integral de Juventud in a local network in Mexico City with Centro Cáritas de Formación para la Atención de las Farmacodependecias y Situaciones Críticas Asociadas, A.C., Cdritas Arquidiócesis de México, Reintegra, Ediac, and the Office of the General Attorney of Mexico City. Juan Machin, Cafac
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